Saturday, May 30, 2009

Paddyfield Pipit

Species : Anthus rufulus

Family : Passeridae

Size : Larger than a sparrow

Primarily it is a ground bird and seen in grazing fields, stony grass lands and usually walking quickly to short distances shaking its tail. It is very often seen sitting on a rock or stone.

It is a small and slender passerine bird with a long tail. The lateral feathers are white. The underside of the bird is streaked with dark brown while the upper part of the body is brownish gray. The legs are pink in colour. The male and female look almost alike and hence very difficult to distinguish.It looks graceful while standing.

It is so exciting to watch this bird moving from place o place.This is why I love bird watching. Though this bird is not colorful , it is so graceful to watch.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Plain Prinia, The nesting

The nesting of Plain Prinia generally occurs between April to October.It build it's nest generally in a shrub or bush.The nest is woven with grass streaks and narrow at the top and broader towards the bottom.It lays 3 to 4 glossy light blue eggs with reddish brown spot and fine lines.Incubation takes place upto 12 days.Fledging also requires almost the same time.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Plain Prinia

Species Prinia inornata
Family Silvidae

Smaller than sparrow

This passerine bird is typically found in wet lowland grassland, open woodland, scrub and sometimes gardens. Seen mostly in pairs around open fields covered with small bushes, trees and grasses. Hops from bush to bush like ashy prinia to collect food.

The Plain prinia or White-browed, Wren-Warbler is Light earth color on the upper part and

white below. The bird is slim and the tail is relatively longer. The sexes look alike so much so that it

becomes difficult to distinguish.